Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Week 15

I have had a really great week so far. It seems like my stomach has grown a lot this week, I am finally in all maternity clothes. I am feeling pretty good. I really don't have any cravings right now, I pretty much can eat anything, but don't really feel like eating a lot this week. I have still been really tired, and randomly falling asleep on the couch, but I am not 20 anymore,so I think my tiredness, is due to being older and having 4 other babes! Here is a picture of me at 15 weeks 1 day!

Friday, December 23, 2011

14 weeks

Week 14 has been pretty good. I am stretching and getting bigger. I am having a really hard time keeping myself warm for some reason. I am either freezing or hot. Went to the doctors last week and everything looked great. They actually couldn't find the baby's heartbeat with the little speaker. So I had to get a quick ultrasound. The baby's heart rate was 173, the highest I have ever had on one of my babies. I was so worried for about half an hour that the baby had died, and I had not noticed or something. It was terrible, but he/she is just fine. I have been craving oranges this week. I am a little perplexed about what this baby will be, my body is handling the pregnancy like it is a boy, but I am craving food like it's a girl. It's a mystery. Here is me at 14 weeks 2 days. Oh yeah...I am officially in my second trimester. WHOOOOOT!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

13 weeks

What can I say... my morning sickness is finally gone! HALLEJUAH!! I have been craving plain turkey sandwiches on white bread this week. I am feeling good again, I am just tired. I don't really think I am pregnant tired, just normal mom tired. There are so many errands and car rides in my day, it's ridiculous. I have mommy brains super bad, like going to the store for milk and coming back with everything but milk. Oh my mind! I think this week I have been thinking a lot about being a mom. What it means to me, am I doing it right. You kind of start believing the, "Your CRAZY" Statement after you hear it everywhere you go and from everyone you meet. Do I think I am overrun and crazy, absolutely not! Do I think I have challenges and struggles, yes...but, doesn't everyone? I mean really don't we all get stressed out of our minds sometimes? Do I think my kids are the reason I stress out, no! I would be stressed about a lot of other things if I didn't have them, and more miserable. Do I regret them...NO! So why do I feel like others are trying to make me regret them. I believe in God's Plan for us. It's James and I's plan, get over it world! I love you little Junebug! Enough of my ranting here I am at 13 weeks!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12 Weeks

This last week went well, the sickness is almost gone. I am feeling a little more like myself again. I am noticing the ligament pain, which means that little baby is growing. Mostly if I scrunch up my stomach for too long it hurts, but it goes away quickly. I am craving cheetos and grapes right now. This is always a weird stage for me, because you can't feel the baby yet, so it's still hard to believe there is a baby growing inside of me. All in all it has been a good week. Here is me at 12 weeks.