Sunday, January 29, 2012

19 Weeks

I am feeling the baby kick a lot at night now. We find out what we are having on Wednesday, I am so excited to find out. I have my idea now of what I think the baby is. I am pretty sure it is a boy, I would be a bit surprised if it wasn't. Either way, it's always my favorite day; finding out what we are having. I am always nervous for the ultrasound, just because of our history, but it will be nice to have James and the kids there this time. They are all so excited to find out what the baby will be, especially James Micheal. This week has been nice and busy, and I am glad I am half way done! The picture is of me at 19 weeks 5 Days, I have had a lot of growth this week, I am starting to really feel the baby moving up!

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty top. Thanks for putting.your head on your shoulders this time. I like seeing my beauty!
