Thursday, April 19, 2012

31 Weeks

Stretching, heartburn, chocolate cake, braxton hicks, and more heartburn...that is about what I would say sums up 31 weeks. I am tired, I go to sleep at 10, and wake up at 7 tired. I am having a harder time sleeping now that Emmy is getting bigger. And boy is she getting bigger,I feel her moving in my ribs and my bladder. I am almost done with Emmy's room, and her knit blanket is done. I am almost done with her crocheted blanket and I washed all her clothes this week. I am anxious about the next few weeks, we have a lot of appointments for Evan and Makayla that will be very stressful and time consuming, so I feel like I need to be ready for Emmy like she was coming tomorrow, because May is going to fly by. Emmy has hiccups and is kicking my ribs, so I think she is done with my rambling. Here is a picture of me at 31 weeks 2 days!

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