Wednesday, April 25, 2012

32 Weeks

8 month mark Whoohhoooo!! Eight weeks to go at the most! Finally I am feeling the end is in sight. I finished Emily's room and her crocheted blanket!! I am done preparing for her early, because I feel terrible right now. James and I both have this weird feeling that I am not going to be able to do very much the next few weeks. Probably because the bigger she gets the less I seem able to do. I can't carry laundry down anymore, and I can barely do the dishes with having contractions. I think it has a lot to do with her positioning, she is low and all in the front. I don't think she is laying quite head down yet, she still seems sideways! I don't know why this pregnancy has been so hard on me, but I will be glad when I can hold my baby girl and know I baked her for nine months despite all my whining... Pregnancy really is a miracle and I think that is why it is so exciting for everyone who has a loved one who is. Here is a picture of me at 32 weeks 1 Day! June can't come soon enough!

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