Wednesday, April 4, 2012

29 Weeks

Well, I passed my diabetes test, got my rhogam shot, now I just wait. Wait for Emmy to get fatter and fatter and then push her out of me. I am feeling just tired, I am so grateful that my body is able to do this, but I am hoping to get into better shape before we do this again. And yes... I do plan on doing this just one more time. James and I have both had very clear inspiration on the number of children we should have. Six is our magic number. I think I will be happy when I am done having children, but also sad that part of my life is over, but mostly happy. I have had a lot of issues with leg swelling this time around and heartburn. I have never really dealt with those issues very much. Every time is something a little different. My weight gain has been ridiculous, but I am going to try to curb it these last couple months, I think a lot of it is weather change though. The warmer weather is making my body retain water a lot. Here I am at 29 weeks 1 day, and yes that is Top Gear in the background!

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