Wednesday, June 13, 2012

39 Weeks..come out NOW!!!

39 Weeks 1 Day!

All right, well I am writing week 39...this will be my last week. The doc is going to induce me on Friday if nothing happens by then. I was really hesitant to be induced but honestly, I can't go through another week or so of this. Its been really painful, lots of false labor, nausea, and trying to run the kids everywhere and try in be in a good mood...well, its not working. Also, I am afraid if I don't have her soon, she will be VERY BIG!! I already feel like she is my biggest child, I can't imagine her packing on more weight, and the amount of exhaustion I have makes me worry about my durability in labor! But...I go to the doctor today, and hopefully he will sweep my membranes again, and maybe Emily will make her appearance before then, I have lost all hope of that happening though. I will finally get to meet our daughter who has been causing me soo much grief this pregnancy. I know I love her already, but it does wear on a mamma to go through so much. I remember feeling this way with Evan too. Her and Evan's pregnancy have been very similar on the pain level, I hope their labor's aren't the same, because his sucked! But, the amount of love I felt for Evan after I had gone through all that was very intense at birth so I hope I feel that with Emily too! Friday we meet Emmy!!!

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