Sunday, October 23, 2011

6 Weeks

I will describe this week in one word: SICK!!!! Not just morning sickness, I got this terrible bug that is going around our house. I have only been able to take Tylenol, which was not that helpful, and the coughing was making me dry heave. So, all in all it has been a terrible week. I did go to my first doctor's appointment on Friday,and everything looks good. They will be checking my due date on Wednesday with an ultrasound, just because, well, I am big so they want to make sure I have the right time line. Imagine that, and I also am going to try and keep my weight gain under control with exercise, I feel the pounds already,so I am worried about that. Here is a picture of me at 6 weeks, people at church already started asking if I was preggers? Ah man, its going to be a long seven months!

1 comment:

  1. I probably left the bug at your house when we were there. I hope you get better soon! Is the rest of the family sick or just you? Wish I was there to help out!
