Tuesday, November 15, 2011

9 Weeks

I am feeling pretty terrible this week. The morning sickness actually seems to be getting worse. We got to see the baby in an ultrasound and he/she looked healthy and the hemorrhage resolved itself. The baby was wiggling around and so cute. Reminds me why I keep doing this. Cravings this week have been grapes of all things. And since it is November it is not that easy to find them, well cheap anyways. Here is a picture of me at 9 weeks. From the ultrasound yesterday they put me a day ahead of the last one so I am due June 19th. I know it is just a day but I will take it! And here is a picture of our little June bug too!


  1. Sorry, we have been out of commission around our place, so I had to get caught up on the baby blog. I'm sorry you have been so sick. That just stinks! I wish we were there to help you out. The little ultrasound picture is so cute! You have a little tadpole in there. If it is a boy, you should name him Tad!

    Love ya, Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Um, you have every right to be outta commission, Tad is actually a cute name, to bad we already have a name picked out:) Miss ya and love you guys!!!
