Wednesday, February 29, 2012

24 Weeks

24 Weeks and 1 Day

This week has been rough with three out of four kids sick, I think that is about the only time I really feel stretched thin with the kidlets! I am doing well, just very tired, all the time. I feel like I never get any rest even if I sleep for eight hours. Emmy kicks a lot in the late afternoon and late at night, her kicks are getting more distinct and the children can see them on my tummy. I have been craving Hostess cupcakes and twinkies lately. Good thing my treadmill is finally set up so I can walk everyday and not feel too bad about sneaking a twinkie here and there. In my picture I am wearing a shirt my sister-in-law Mariah made me. She is so crafty, and it will fit me even when I am 9 months. Thanks Mariah!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

23 Weeks

I hate to say it but I don't really feel like these weeks are going very fast...but I am still going. Emmy is getting heavy, and is quite the wiggler when she feels like it. She seems like a quieter soul to me. Sadie was insane in my stomach, I mean absolutely wild, Emmy is not, she makes her presence known but seem very gentle to me, we shall see when she arrives if I am right, I have been right so far! I picked out the fabric for her car seat canopy, I can't wait to get it done, I decided to make a different one for her, because Sadie's was very thick and insulated for warmth. I choose very light cotton to get her through the summer. My thoughts this week are turned towards the natural birth stuff...I don't think I will do it. I have birthed four children, and epidural or not that is an accomplishment. Plus, I am tired, I am constantly doing something,and I can honestly say..I don't know how I wouldn't be tired that pregnant and go through all that pain just to say I did it on my own. I think it's amazing our bodies are that changeable anyways,and that I will be doing this for the fifth time, and that I just did this 17 months ago, well...that's good enough for me. I might just give it the good college try and then not feel bad when I fail. Either way Emmy will be out of me sometime in June. I am starting to get more excited about having her, just seeing how her personality fits into our family is the best part, plus that newborn smell and fuzzy hair is to die for! I am definitely getting big! Here I am at 23 weeks 5 days, and yes, I took it at the end of the day,and yes...I was tired so I look crazy!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

22 Weeks!

Well one day late but I have been fighting a terrible head cold. I finally caved and went to the doctor yesterday and found out I had a sinus infection,laryngitis,bronchitis,and the beginnings of an ear infection. I didn't realize it was that bad, but the antibiotics have really helped and I think I will turn the corner tomorrow. I feel Emmy move a lot in my lower stomach mostly by my hips. She feels very sideways and doesn't show signs of moving that position anytime soon. She isn't big enough right now for it to bother me, but, I do get cramps if her head goes in the wrong area. We just bought a treadmill!!! I am so excited about it...I figure I can go on walks easier and get into shape sooner after the baby, without having to leave the house. Here is a picture of me at 22 weeks 6 days! I will write 23 weeks pretty soon.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

21 Weeks-Natural Birth....

Little Emmy is kicking a lot more lately. I believe she is laying sideways across my stomach, she feels like she is in the same position as Makayla was, and she was sideways for a good seven months. I haven't gained any weight yet. With my girls I seem to get lucky, and not gain as much. I am thinking of doing a non epidural birth. I am not one to get all non drug or water birth kind of person. I believe firmly there is a reason for modern medicine. More than anything, I just want to see if I can do it. I almost just want to prove it to myself. I don't know how committed I am to the whole idea, I really wouldn't feel less like a woman warrior for getting an epidural...I am just curious. James isn't very supportive, as in he laughs every time I mention it. I hear you need to have a very supportive husband if you want to do it. I get closer to delivery we will see how I feel. Here is me at 21 weeks 5 days.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

20 Weeks

So it's official, we are adding another Girl to the Divis Clan! I was in total and complete shock. I really felt like this baby was definitley a boy! But as soon as I found out I was thrilled, and shocked. She looks so much like Sadie. She looked perfectly healthy and was very shy. Here are my ultrasound pictures.
Our official name for the baby is Emily Camille Divis. We had originally decided on another name, but as soon as James and I found out it was a girl, the name wasn't right. This is the name that popped into both our heads, so I know it is her name, I am so excited for our little Emily to get here, and I pretty much have everything from Sadie,so win-win.
Here is a picture of me at 20 weeks 2 days