Wednesday, February 29, 2012

24 Weeks

24 Weeks and 1 Day

This week has been rough with three out of four kids sick, I think that is about the only time I really feel stretched thin with the kidlets! I am doing well, just very tired, all the time. I feel like I never get any rest even if I sleep for eight hours. Emmy kicks a lot in the late afternoon and late at night, her kicks are getting more distinct and the children can see them on my tummy. I have been craving Hostess cupcakes and twinkies lately. Good thing my treadmill is finally set up so I can walk everyday and not feel too bad about sneaking a twinkie here and there. In my picture I am wearing a shirt my sister-in-law Mariah made me. She is so crafty, and it will fit me even when I am 9 months. Thanks Mariah!!

1 comment:

  1. I was going to comment "cute shirt, where'd you get it? It looks great on you". Mariah did an excelent job, I love it!
