Sunday, February 12, 2012

21 Weeks-Natural Birth....

Little Emmy is kicking a lot more lately. I believe she is laying sideways across my stomach, she feels like she is in the same position as Makayla was, and she was sideways for a good seven months. I haven't gained any weight yet. With my girls I seem to get lucky, and not gain as much. I am thinking of doing a non epidural birth. I am not one to get all non drug or water birth kind of person. I believe firmly there is a reason for modern medicine. More than anything, I just want to see if I can do it. I almost just want to prove it to myself. I don't know how committed I am to the whole idea, I really wouldn't feel less like a woman warrior for getting an epidural...I am just curious. James isn't very supportive, as in he laughs every time I mention it. I hear you need to have a very supportive husband if you want to do it. I get closer to delivery we will see how I feel. Here is me at 21 weeks 5 days.


  1. All your babies are walking now!!! Emmy should be a cinch. Maybe you'll even have Evan potty trained by then, and only one in daytime diapers. Wouldn't that be heaven?

  2. I tossed around the idea of natural child birth for Carter. As I did my research and watched a class, I realized that the husband or "Coach" is a huge asset to your success. That is why I knew, if Craig wasn't onboard, I wouldn't be able to do it. Craig didn't believe I would follow through with it and he didn't want to attend a class and watch videos of random women giving birth. If James fully supports you then go for it! If not, I think it would be really hard to do it alone. I was dialated to a 7 before I got my epidural and I think if Craig had helped me relax and breath and destract me I might have done it natural. But as it is... I paid way too much money for the pain killer!
