Tuesday, February 21, 2012

22 Weeks!

Well one day late but I have been fighting a terrible head cold. I finally caved and went to the doctor yesterday and found out I had a sinus infection,laryngitis,bronchitis,and the beginnings of an ear infection. I didn't realize it was that bad, but the antibiotics have really helped and I think I will turn the corner tomorrow. I feel Emmy move a lot in my lower stomach mostly by my hips. She feels very sideways and doesn't show signs of moving that position anytime soon. She isn't big enough right now for it to bother me, but, I do get cramps if her head goes in the wrong area. We just bought a treadmill!!! I am so excited about it...I figure I can go on walks easier and get into shape sooner after the baby, without having to leave the house. Here is a picture of me at 22 weeks 6 days! I will write 23 weeks pretty soon.

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