Tuesday, May 22, 2012

36 Weeks

36 Weeks today. Man am I huge. I don't know if you can tell, but little Miss Emily has definitely dropped. I felt terrible yesterday and had a lot of contractions, tried to take a bath to relax, didn't help. Then I got up last night around midnight and realized the inevitable had happened. She has dropped even further than I thought possible. Her head is no longer off to the right. I am dilated to a one as of last week. I bet I will be close to 2 and a half by this Thursday when I go in for another check. Do I think she is coming early? No, at least I am trying not to think that way, and there are a few days in early June that would be really bad if I went into labor. We will see what the doc says on Thursday, I don't know how much longer I really have though, she seems a little too eager to me!

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