Tuesday, March 6, 2012

25 Weeks

I am doing well, Emily is doing well, we got another ultrasound and she looks great. Her eyes are both there, her brain, heart, and stomach all look great. She is laying with her bum down low and towards my back. She was so shy for the ultrasound and even pouted when they prodded her. She is already such a cutie. I am also measuring way too big. The doctor said I was measuring 34 weeks not 24. He was checking for the fluid,and said everything looked great and she was on track, and there was only one it there. So...he has no idea why I am so huge. I have heard it is a sign of gestational diabetes, but I don't get my test for another few weeks, and I don't think I have that, I never have before. Either way we were both perplexed. I did gain 6 pounds in a month too, which he said could just be because of my uterus being so large, and didn't really see where else it could have gone.Here is my ultrasound picture,and a picture of me at 25 weeks.

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