Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Week 15

I have had a really great week so far. It seems like my stomach has grown a lot this week, I am finally in all maternity clothes. I am feeling pretty good. I really don't have any cravings right now, I pretty much can eat anything, but don't really feel like eating a lot this week. I have still been really tired, and randomly falling asleep on the couch, but I am not 20 anymore,so I think my tiredness, is due to being older and having 4 other babes! Here is a picture of me at 15 weeks 1 day!

Friday, December 23, 2011

14 weeks

Week 14 has been pretty good. I am stretching and getting bigger. I am having a really hard time keeping myself warm for some reason. I am either freezing or hot. Went to the doctors last week and everything looked great. They actually couldn't find the baby's heartbeat with the little speaker. So I had to get a quick ultrasound. The baby's heart rate was 173, the highest I have ever had on one of my babies. I was so worried for about half an hour that the baby had died, and I had not noticed or something. It was terrible, but he/she is just fine. I have been craving oranges this week. I am a little perplexed about what this baby will be, my body is handling the pregnancy like it is a boy, but I am craving food like it's a girl. It's a mystery. Here is me at 14 weeks 2 days. Oh yeah...I am officially in my second trimester. WHOOOOOT!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

13 weeks

What can I say... my morning sickness is finally gone! HALLEJUAH!! I have been craving plain turkey sandwiches on white bread this week. I am feeling good again, I am just tired. I don't really think I am pregnant tired, just normal mom tired. There are so many errands and car rides in my day, it's ridiculous. I have mommy brains super bad, like going to the store for milk and coming back with everything but milk. Oh my mind! I think this week I have been thinking a lot about being a mom. What it means to me, am I doing it right. You kind of start believing the, "Your CRAZY" Statement after you hear it everywhere you go and from everyone you meet. Do I think I am overrun and crazy, absolutely not! Do I think I have challenges and struggles, yes...but, doesn't everyone? I mean really don't we all get stressed out of our minds sometimes? Do I think my kids are the reason I stress out, no! I would be stressed about a lot of other things if I didn't have them, and more miserable. Do I regret them...NO! So why do I feel like others are trying to make me regret them. I believe in God's Plan for us. It's James and I's plan, get over it world! I love you little Junebug! Enough of my ranting here I am at 13 weeks!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12 Weeks

This last week went well, the sickness is almost gone. I am feeling a little more like myself again. I am noticing the ligament pain, which means that little baby is growing. Mostly if I scrunch up my stomach for too long it hurts, but it goes away quickly. I am craving cheetos and grapes right now. This is always a weird stage for me, because you can't feel the baby yet, so it's still hard to believe there is a baby growing inside of me. All in all it has been a good week. Here is me at 12 weeks.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

11 Weeks

So I did not have a good week ten. I threw up on Sunday night, rather randomly, but the good news is that I haven't thrown up since. I am starting to have my hips and back hurt now, I am not surprised by this, it seems to happen a little sooner with each pregnancy. I am hoping that my morning sickness is going to be gone soon. It slowed down a lot, but then I puked out of nowhere so who knows! I am definitely getting bigger, I am in mostly maternity or sweat pants. I am still very grateful for this little one, who is obviously growing and getting everything it needs from me. It still hasn't quite sunk in that we will have a fifth child in June. I have never really had that feeling before, it is probably because I am so busy, I hardly have a chance to think about it, until I feel sick, or my back hurts. But...this is really happening...again....WOW! Here is me at eleven weeks. I have noticed a lot of growth from this weeks picture from lasts. And I am sure you will be able to tell from my pictures when my sickness has gone away, because I will actually do my hair and make up!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

10 Weeks

So I think my morning sickness is finally waning, not that it is gone, it is just not as intense. It has been replaced by exhaustion. Sadie's pregnancy was like a walk in the park, this one is not turning out to be that way at least so far. I finally made it to a double digit week. YAY! James cruelly told me tonight, "Don't worry babe, only 30 more weeks!" Oh he is so hilarious! I feel like my bump is finally not all left over chub from Sade, it feels tighter, and it is pushing out more. I do like showing early, maternity clothes are amazing. Any-who... here is me at 10 weeks, I know my pictures have been terrible, I will start to get better ones, just too lazy right now!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

9 Weeks

I am feeling pretty terrible this week. The morning sickness actually seems to be getting worse. We got to see the baby in an ultrasound and he/she looked healthy and the hemorrhage resolved itself. The baby was wiggling around and so cute. Reminds me why I keep doing this. Cravings this week have been grapes of all things. And since it is November it is not that easy to find them, well cheap anyways. Here is a picture of me at 9 weeks. From the ultrasound yesterday they put me a day ahead of the last one so I am due June 19th. I know it is just a day but I will take it! And here is a picture of our little June bug too!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

8 Weeks

Still having morning sickness, still really tired, but I am alive, and I am pregnant, so those are two things to be happy about. I haven't been craving anything, except soft serve ice cream one night. It's all I could manage to stomach. The body is a weird thing. I can eat something I absolutely love one hour and the next it makes me want to puke just looking at it. This is definitely a boy. I would really be shocked if this is a girl. Here is me at 8 weeks, I decided not to include too much of my head or you would see how terrible I really feel. My new due date is June 20th!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

7 weeks

Well, how do I feel this week. CRAPPY! Double CRAPPY! My morning sickness is raging. I don't puke, I just feel nauseous all the time. I don't know which is worse. I think I would almost rather just barf. We got an ultrasound this week. We actually had one last week too. They wanted to check for twins, luckily there wasn't, but the baby's heartbeat was very low, so they thought that I might be having an early miscarriage. We didn't really tell anyone because we didn't want to scare anybody. Well my ultrasound this week, looked GREAT! The baby is growing and the heartrate is where it should be. I am actually getting another ultrasound in 2 weeks, because they found a tiny hemorrhage, that they want to make sure it clears up by then. They didn't seem concerned about it, and I am not either. They said it was less than a cenitmeter, so really tiny. It was fun to see our little nugget. I have lost 3 pounds from the morning sickness, which I am happy about, but man I can't wait till the first trimester is over, this pregnancy is definitely not flying by. And the laundry is turning into climbing mountains around here. I gotta keep up!

You like James Micheal's Demon Eyes!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

6 Weeks

I will describe this week in one word: SICK!!!! Not just morning sickness, I got this terrible bug that is going around our house. I have only been able to take Tylenol, which was not that helpful, and the coughing was making me dry heave. So, all in all it has been a terrible week. I did go to my first doctor's appointment on Friday,and everything looks good. They will be checking my due date on Wednesday with an ultrasound, just because, well, I am big so they want to make sure I have the right time line. Imagine that, and I also am going to try and keep my weight gain under control with exercise, I feel the pounds already,so I am worried about that. Here is a picture of me at 6 weeks, people at church already started asking if I was preggers? Ah man, its going to be a long seven months!

Monday, October 17, 2011

5 Weeks

So week 5 is upon me and the morning sickness, is more like night and afternoon sickness, and when I do have it it is extreme, constant nausea, and dry heaving. I have been super tired too, like going to bed at 9:30 tired, which is very different, because I am such a night owl, which leads me to one conclusion. IT'S A BOY! My pregnancies are very different with boys and girls. If I am wrong, I will eat my pants, but, I am sure it's a boy. Speaking of my pants, I really can't wear them anymore, it's depressing, I can't zip them up. Probably, because I was only preggy 10 months ago, and this is my 5th child, explains, a lot of the early growth, I know it's just bloat, but it's kinda depressing. I couldn't keep it from anybody even if I wanted too:) Here is a picture of me at 5weeks. I go to my first initial appointment on Friday, very excited!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

So Surprise!

Well, it might be a surprise to a lot of you, since I told myself and the rest of the world, we would be waiting 2 to 3 years. Well....guess what....I am pregnant again. That makes number 5 for us. James and I had originally decided that Sadie(4)would be our last child for a while for us. We both felt a sense of completion with her for some odd reason. Either way, the Lord had other plans. James and I both felt incredibly prompted to have another child, especially James. Which is very odd for the guy or any guy I think...I am usually convincing him. But, after prayer, after prayer, after prayer...the answer was always the same. ITS TIME!!!! So we listened, and I did not think we would get pregnant so soon, mostly because it took us a while to get pregnant with Sadie, and my body was acting quite odd for a couple months beforehand, so I thought it would take awhile. Well...when the Lord says now, he meant now. So now it is. I am actually excited, not overwhelmed, I just feel extremely blessed and incredibly grateful for this new opportunity that has been presented to us because of the Lord. I really have no anxiety, you really can't when you have had such a clear and very direct answer from above. So here we go. As of today my due date is June 9, 2012. I will have a better idea when I go into the doctor tomorrow. I am 4 weeks pregnant.