Friday, June 15, 2012

Emily's Birth Story

Emily's birth story was by far our best one yet.

Last weekend I felt terrible. I had a lot of back pain and false contractions up until Tuesday. Wednesday morning I woke up and did my normal routine. James didn't have school so I got to take a shower and get ready for the day. I got Evan ready for school and sent him off. Then we sent off Makayla and James Micheal. We decided to do some shopping. James needed some new shirts and the girls needed summer swimsuits so we headed to Old Navy. James took me, Sadie, and Evan out to lunch and had a nice meal. I felt great the whole time, and I didn't have any pain after walking around all day. I came home and did some chores, then left to get James Micheal and drop him home then go to my doctor's appointment.

I went to the doctor at 3:45pm. I went into the office and sat, the doctor was going to be awhile because he was a little behind schedule. I didn't care and just started looking at magazines. I started having some braxton hicks, but figured it was the way I was sitting. After being called in and waiting in the room to be checked, I started to get more uncomfortable, but I was convinced it was just false labor again. The nurse came in and got Dr. Hiss, seeing how uncomfortable I was. Dr. Hiss checked me and I was still dialated to a 3 and 80% effaced, but he thought I was in labor, because my water bag was bulging. He stripped my membranes then sent me over to labor and delivery. I was in shock and asked if I needed to schedule an appointment for the inducement if this was false labor. He looked at me like I was crazy, and said, "No, Audra, you are in labor go to the hospital."

I quickly called James as I was walking over to the hospital. I was still convinced they would monitor me for an hour and then send me home...well I was wrong! My contractions went from 10 minutes apart to 4 minutes apart within an hour. Luckily James knows better than I do when I am in labor and started calling everyone as soon as he saw me in the hospital. My contractions were very painful and long because she was facing sideways. I rolled on a ball for a good half hour trying to get her to turn. I was convinced she did, but she turned the wrong way and ended being posterior like Evan.

In the beginning of Labor: 5:00pm

My mom and dad both arrived about an hour or so after I was admitted. I went to a five alone, but the back pain was ridiculous and the contractions were really drawn out so I got my epidural around 8pm.

I told the doctor if he broke my water she would be out in 20 minutes, well that's just what they did!
They broke my water around 9:00pm and she was born at 9:39pm

I felt the urge to push right at the 20 minute mark, and she came out in about 2 sets of pushes. She was face up, with her eyes wide open, which hurt just like Evan's did!!

When she was born, because I pushed her out so quickly, she didn't have time to adjust and went into shock and wasn't breathing. She only got an apgar of 5. Luckily after about a minute of fear she started screaming and the NICU nurses got her where she needed to be. It was incredibly scary,and we were all holding our breath hoping she would cry, but we are grateful she is okay now.
Emily Camille Divis
June 13th, 2012
She was 7 pounds 13 oz, and 20 inches long

She is a great nurser and latched on right away, she had a beautiful head of dark hair and eyelashes.
She is even darker than Sadie was, and has very dark eyes too. She is our smallest baby which was a surprise to everyone, mostly because of how I carried her and how uncomfortable I was.

We are so grateful she is here and she is such a joy already. Her brothers and sisters are all doing really well with her and we are so grateful to add a new little princess to the Divis Clan.

We love you Emily Camille Divis, Welcome to our home!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

39 Weeks..come out NOW!!!

39 Weeks 1 Day!

All right, well I am writing week 39...this will be my last week. The doc is going to induce me on Friday if nothing happens by then. I was really hesitant to be induced but honestly, I can't go through another week or so of this. Its been really painful, lots of false labor, nausea, and trying to run the kids everywhere and try in be in a good mood...well, its not working. Also, I am afraid if I don't have her soon, she will be VERY BIG!! I already feel like she is my biggest child, I can't imagine her packing on more weight, and the amount of exhaustion I have makes me worry about my durability in labor! But...I go to the doctor today, and hopefully he will sweep my membranes again, and maybe Emily will make her appearance before then, I have lost all hope of that happening though. I will finally get to meet our daughter who has been causing me soo much grief this pregnancy. I know I love her already, but it does wear on a mamma to go through so much. I remember feeling this way with Evan too. Her and Evan's pregnancy have been very similar on the pain level, I hope their labor's aren't the same, because his sucked! But, the amount of love I felt for Evan after I had gone through all that was very intense at birth so I hope I feel that with Emily too! Friday we meet Emmy!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

38 weeks! Come on KID!!!

38 weeks and 1 Day with the monster baby known as Emily Camille Divis!!

When will my other little princess come? I thought she was coming Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday night, because of a wonderful little thing called false labor. I go to the doctor today. He will be stripping my membranes. This method worked for Makayla and Evan. It took about a day for it to work, but I am hoping this is my last post of being with child. I am so tired...I just want her out. I did have a hormonal panic attack when I started having contractions on Monday night. It was mostly about realizing I will have five kids..five kids...five!!! Well our van will officially be full. Come on Emily, everybody wants to meet you and my stomach and body have held you long enough!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

37 Weeks

37 Weeks and 1 day Well I am completely done with being with child. I am having a hard time walking, sleeping, sitting, talking, and existing...Yeah, I am done! I go to the doctor today, we will see what he thinks of me in my enormous swollen state. I really hope that I go into natural labor sometime next week. Makayla has a huge blood test for growth hormone issues tomorrow, so hopefully she won't come tomorrow. I doubt she will, she seems to like making me miserable. I am excited to see her, but there are a lot of bad days for her to come on, hopefully she chooses well! Also, I can't believe I will be 27 tomorrow, I feel old. But I am having my fifth kid...oh geeze! Anyways, I am grumpy tired and done. Oh and I went on a nesting cleaning spree for the last three days, so I hope that means something.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

36 Weeks

36 Weeks today. Man am I huge. I don't know if you can tell, but little Miss Emily has definitely dropped. I felt terrible yesterday and had a lot of contractions, tried to take a bath to relax, didn't help. Then I got up last night around midnight and realized the inevitable had happened. She has dropped even further than I thought possible. Her head is no longer off to the right. I am dilated to a one as of last week. I bet I will be close to 2 and a half by this Thursday when I go in for another check. Do I think she is coming early? No, at least I am trying not to think that way, and there are a few days in early June that would be really bad if I went into labor. We will see what the doc says on Thursday, I don't know how much longer I really have though, she seems a little too eager to me!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

35 Weeks!! Only 5 weeks left!

Well 35 weeks is here. I can't believe I still have five weeks left. It seems like an eternity. I do need to start getting my "go" bag ready, I honestly haven't even thought about it until I read my pregnancy e-mail today. I was thinking...oh...I do need to get that done, I could have a baby in 3 weeks, but for some reason I am not thinking like that. I am hoping Emmy decides to wait until after the 15th of June, which is the last day of school for James Micheal, and James will be done with his finals then. wouldn't kill me if her giant noggin came a little sooner for my body's sake. I am one swollen mess. James has been great to me. He feeds the kid dinner and plays with them every night. Wakes up in the morning and helps me get them ready before he leaves. And sometimes helps with chores. I appreciate all the sacrifices of his time he is making for me right now..I know he is exhausted too! I can't wait till Emily is on the outside and not the inside, I would prefer crying and nursing to contractions and feeling like a blubbery whale who can't bend over any day! I am so happy Emily is almost going to be here, I go to the doctor and get my first check tomorrow, hopefully some progress, the end is near! Holy cow I am going to have five children!!! This is my second to last pregnancy too...I am happy and sad at the same time. I am 35 weeks in this picture

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

34 weeks!

Well it's official...I am huge. I am beyond trying to look good, I have waved the white flag of surrender to preggy fat. See you guys in 4-6 weeks, I will try again then. I am feeling a lot better this week. Not sick as much and not a lot of back pain. The leg swelling is ridiculous, but with the change of weather and being huge, I have to chalk it up to that. Amazingly, this year I have not had allergies. Maybe Emmy has some sort of super powers I am not aware of that help make me immune to allergies this year! Only 4-6 weeks left...oh my. Here I am at 34 weeks 3 Days

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Week 33

Week 33! So I ate lots of cake this week. Which explains my jiggles. I wish I cared more but I don't. I went to the doc today, and he seems to think Emmy might be my biggest baby yet, and I don't think he is wrong! He also doesn't see me making it past the first week of June...then again they said that with Sadie, so I don't really believe them anymore. Either way I am doing better since I got some heartburn medicine. He says all my back pressure is from how she is laying all forward, as in none of her body resides near my spine at all. You would think it would cause less pain but it actually causes more. My back is begging for relief. But my little girl is head down and getting ready. Oh man...she is coming so soon. Here I am at 33 weeks 1 day!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

32 Weeks

8 month mark Whoohhoooo!! Eight weeks to go at the most! Finally I am feeling the end is in sight. I finished Emily's room and her crocheted blanket!! I am done preparing for her early, because I feel terrible right now. James and I both have this weird feeling that I am not going to be able to do very much the next few weeks. Probably because the bigger she gets the less I seem able to do. I can't carry laundry down anymore, and I can barely do the dishes with having contractions. I think it has a lot to do with her positioning, she is low and all in the front. I don't think she is laying quite head down yet, she still seems sideways! I don't know why this pregnancy has been so hard on me, but I will be glad when I can hold my baby girl and know I baked her for nine months despite all my whining... Pregnancy really is a miracle and I think that is why it is so exciting for everyone who has a loved one who is. Here is a picture of me at 32 weeks 1 Day! June can't come soon enough!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

31 Weeks

Stretching, heartburn, chocolate cake, braxton hicks, and more heartburn...that is about what I would say sums up 31 weeks. I am tired, I go to sleep at 10, and wake up at 7 tired. I am having a harder time sleeping now that Emmy is getting bigger. And boy is she getting bigger,I feel her moving in my ribs and my bladder. I am almost done with Emmy's room, and her knit blanket is done. I am almost done with her crocheted blanket and I washed all her clothes this week. I am anxious about the next few weeks, we have a lot of appointments for Evan and Makayla that will be very stressful and time consuming, so I feel like I need to be ready for Emmy like she was coming tomorrow, because May is going to fly by. Emmy has hiccups and is kicking my ribs, so I think she is done with my rambling. Here is a picture of me at 31 weeks 2 days!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

30 weeks

I am huge, I ate way to much candy this week and started having braxton hicks. But...on the plus side I only have 10 more weeks!!! AHHHHHHH! Seems like time is starting to fly and I am feeling so unprepared. Oh well, I am sure I will get it done. I think Emily is starting to move into position now, she has made a lot of big uncomfortable wake me up from my sleep moves the last few days. I didn't take a picture this week but am going to include my maternity pictures my mom took last weekend. I love them.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

29 Weeks

Well, I passed my diabetes test, got my rhogam shot, now I just wait. Wait for Emmy to get fatter and fatter and then push her out of me. I am feeling just tired, I am so grateful that my body is able to do this, but I am hoping to get into better shape before we do this again. And yes... I do plan on doing this just one more time. James and I have both had very clear inspiration on the number of children we should have. Six is our magic number. I think I will be happy when I am done having children, but also sad that part of my life is over, but mostly happy. I have had a lot of issues with leg swelling this time around and heartburn. I have never really dealt with those issues very much. Every time is something a little different. My weight gain has been ridiculous, but I am going to try to curb it these last couple months, I think a lot of it is weather change though. The warmer weather is making my body retain water a lot. Here I am at 29 weeks 1 day, and yes that is Top Gear in the background!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

28 weeks!

So here I am at 28 weeks...huge,very very huge!

James and I were talking today and speculating if they were wrong about how many are inside of it possible for twins to hide that long? I know its impossible...but really I am ridiculously huge, 12 more weeks seems impossible!

I did pass my diabetes test...yeah...I thought maybe I had that, it would explain the extra growth, but nope. I go in next week so we will see then what the doctor says to me about how fat I am. Probably something that I will find hormonally offensive. But, I digress. Third trimester is finally here...yeah!! Please go quickly!! Emily is moving a ton now as in I feel her limbs all the time. I have been craving oatmeal with vanilla creamer. I eat it almost every morning for breakfast. My back,and legs have been in pain. I am sure she is laying on nerves already. But, I got all her baby clothes out and will start washing and putting things away soon. I will say that I can't wait to get this girl outta me. I can't wait to see her. I also can't wait for my body to not be occupied by another human being for a while. I need a break. The end.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

27 Weeks

Well this week has been fairly good. I got my first Braxton Hicks yesterday, which was incredibly painful, but nothing like real labor,so I was reminded of that happening. I am slowly getting Emily's room all ready. I still need to wash all the clothes and buy diapers and wipes. I feel like I am running out of time,and even though the weeks feel like they are dragging I know they are speeding by and I feel very unprepared, there is just to much to do to focus on baby things. I do feel Emily getting a very strict schedule inside of me. She is constantly moving at around 11:30 at night and 7:30 in the morning. She moves a lot less during the day probably because I am moving,so she falls asleep a lot. She is laying sideways with her head nestled in my ribs. I really can't believe I only have like 12 weeks left at the most...12 weeks! Here I am at 27 weeks 2 days

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

26 weeks

I am really feeling the weight of this little girl. She is very low and to the front so the hip pain and stretching has been interesting to say the least. I got Sadie moved downstairs and I have begun to get Emily's room ready. I washed all the bedding and lifted the crib. Brought in the car seat and washed and sanitized everything. The only thing left is washing clothes, getting newborn diapers and a new baby tub. After 4 kids the thing was beat up and I gave it away thinking we wouldn't be using it for a long time. I know it seems early to be getting things ready...but, honestly April and May are incredibly busy with MRI's, blood work,dentists,exam under anesthesia, and doctors appointments for makayla and Evan, and honestly there will be no time to think about any of that then. Plus, I will be the size of a killer whale by end of April! I have handled Emily's pregnancy so much more like the boys, it's quite odd, in fact very odd. Let's hope if my next is a boy I will handle it like Sadie's pregnancy. This pregnancy has been challenging and I am sure a lot of it has to do with taking care of four other children and their hectic schedules now that 3 are in school. Here is my picture this week at 26 weeks 2 days!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

25 Weeks

I am doing well, Emily is doing well, we got another ultrasound and she looks great. Her eyes are both there, her brain, heart, and stomach all look great. She is laying with her bum down low and towards my back. She was so shy for the ultrasound and even pouted when they prodded her. She is already such a cutie. I am also measuring way too big. The doctor said I was measuring 34 weeks not 24. He was checking for the fluid,and said everything looked great and she was on track, and there was only one it there. So...he has no idea why I am so huge. I have heard it is a sign of gestational diabetes, but I don't get my test for another few weeks, and I don't think I have that, I never have before. Either way we were both perplexed. I did gain 6 pounds in a month too, which he said could just be because of my uterus being so large, and didn't really see where else it could have gone.Here is my ultrasound picture,and a picture of me at 25 weeks.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

24 Weeks

24 Weeks and 1 Day

This week has been rough with three out of four kids sick, I think that is about the only time I really feel stretched thin with the kidlets! I am doing well, just very tired, all the time. I feel like I never get any rest even if I sleep for eight hours. Emmy kicks a lot in the late afternoon and late at night, her kicks are getting more distinct and the children can see them on my tummy. I have been craving Hostess cupcakes and twinkies lately. Good thing my treadmill is finally set up so I can walk everyday and not feel too bad about sneaking a twinkie here and there. In my picture I am wearing a shirt my sister-in-law Mariah made me. She is so crafty, and it will fit me even when I am 9 months. Thanks Mariah!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

23 Weeks

I hate to say it but I don't really feel like these weeks are going very fast...but I am still going. Emmy is getting heavy, and is quite the wiggler when she feels like it. She seems like a quieter soul to me. Sadie was insane in my stomach, I mean absolutely wild, Emmy is not, she makes her presence known but seem very gentle to me, we shall see when she arrives if I am right, I have been right so far! I picked out the fabric for her car seat canopy, I can't wait to get it done, I decided to make a different one for her, because Sadie's was very thick and insulated for warmth. I choose very light cotton to get her through the summer. My thoughts this week are turned towards the natural birth stuff...I don't think I will do it. I have birthed four children, and epidural or not that is an accomplishment. Plus, I am tired, I am constantly doing something,and I can honestly say..I don't know how I wouldn't be tired that pregnant and go through all that pain just to say I did it on my own. I think it's amazing our bodies are that changeable anyways,and that I will be doing this for the fifth time, and that I just did this 17 months ago, well...that's good enough for me. I might just give it the good college try and then not feel bad when I fail. Either way Emmy will be out of me sometime in June. I am starting to get more excited about having her, just seeing how her personality fits into our family is the best part, plus that newborn smell and fuzzy hair is to die for! I am definitely getting big! Here I am at 23 weeks 5 days, and yes, I took it at the end of the day,and yes...I was tired so I look crazy!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

22 Weeks!

Well one day late but I have been fighting a terrible head cold. I finally caved and went to the doctor yesterday and found out I had a sinus infection,laryngitis,bronchitis,and the beginnings of an ear infection. I didn't realize it was that bad, but the antibiotics have really helped and I think I will turn the corner tomorrow. I feel Emmy move a lot in my lower stomach mostly by my hips. She feels very sideways and doesn't show signs of moving that position anytime soon. She isn't big enough right now for it to bother me, but, I do get cramps if her head goes in the wrong area. We just bought a treadmill!!! I am so excited about it...I figure I can go on walks easier and get into shape sooner after the baby, without having to leave the house. Here is a picture of me at 22 weeks 6 days! I will write 23 weeks pretty soon.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

21 Weeks-Natural Birth....

Little Emmy is kicking a lot more lately. I believe she is laying sideways across my stomach, she feels like she is in the same position as Makayla was, and she was sideways for a good seven months. I haven't gained any weight yet. With my girls I seem to get lucky, and not gain as much. I am thinking of doing a non epidural birth. I am not one to get all non drug or water birth kind of person. I believe firmly there is a reason for modern medicine. More than anything, I just want to see if I can do it. I almost just want to prove it to myself. I don't know how committed I am to the whole idea, I really wouldn't feel less like a woman warrior for getting an epidural...I am just curious. James isn't very supportive, as in he laughs every time I mention it. I hear you need to have a very supportive husband if you want to do it. I get closer to delivery we will see how I feel. Here is me at 21 weeks 5 days.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

20 Weeks

So it's official, we are adding another Girl to the Divis Clan! I was in total and complete shock. I really felt like this baby was definitley a boy! But as soon as I found out I was thrilled, and shocked. She looks so much like Sadie. She looked perfectly healthy and was very shy. Here are my ultrasound pictures.
Our official name for the baby is Emily Camille Divis. We had originally decided on another name, but as soon as James and I found out it was a girl, the name wasn't right. This is the name that popped into both our heads, so I know it is her name, I am so excited for our little Emily to get here, and I pretty much have everything from Sadie,so win-win.
Here is a picture of me at 20 weeks 2 days

Sunday, January 29, 2012

19 Weeks

I am feeling the baby kick a lot at night now. We find out what we are having on Wednesday, I am so excited to find out. I have my idea now of what I think the baby is. I am pretty sure it is a boy, I would be a bit surprised if it wasn't. Either way, it's always my favorite day; finding out what we are having. I am always nervous for the ultrasound, just because of our history, but it will be nice to have James and the kids there this time. They are all so excited to find out what the baby will be, especially James Micheal. This week has been nice and busy, and I am glad I am half way done! The picture is of me at 19 weeks 5 Days, I have had a lot of growth this week, I am starting to really feel the baby moving up!

Monday, January 23, 2012

18 weeks

18 weeks has been nice and quiet. I am feeling this little one kick quite a bit now, mostly at night and when I eat chocolate!! My cravings have been jelly bellys, chocolate, and salt and vinegar chips. Nothing much else to report but my belly is getting huge now, people are really starting to notice now. It's funny the amount of stares I get when I am alone with three of the kids at the store. The funny thing is they have no idea I have one in school too. I love watching my family grow. It's definitely an adventure everyday! I took a picture at 18 weeks 6 days.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Week 17

I finally felt the baby kick this week. Very exciting to feel the first little movements of the babe. I got to go to the doctor this week and hear the heartbeat. I also set up my ultrasound to check everything and hopefully find out gender! I am so clueless with this baby. I did the chinese calender and it said girl. But...then I did the pendant test and it said boy. I usually like one of the names I have picked more than the other which kind of gives me a clue. But... I like both names equally this time. I really thought this was a boy because I was sick, but I have not been gaining weight like I do with the boys or craving things like I do with the boys. So....I am totally perplexed. I would actually prefer to have a boy, just to keep my pattern going, and because I know that having two girls 18 months apart will probably lead to lots of fighting. But, whatever we have will be welcomed and loved and just what we needed. Here is a picture of me at 17 weeks!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Week 16

Well, what to say... I had a hard time putting on my socks this morning. I still haven't felt any kicks yet, but I have a feeling the baby is in a very far back position, so I don't think I will them for awhile. We finally picked out our names for the baby. One boy and one girl name we finally both agreed on. I am happy and feeling good.